Sunday, January 3, 2016



Sheldon Alan
The author :  sheldon Alan " Shel" SilverStein  (September 25,1930-May 8,1999) was an  American   poet, songwriter , musician , composer  , cartoonist ,screenwriter , and author of children's books  . He  sometimes styled  himself as Uncle Shelby  ,especially  for his early  children's books . Silverstein confirmed he never  studied  the poetry of the  others employing  , developed  his own quirky style : laid - back  and  conversational ,occasionally  employing  profanity .

If  you are  dreamer  , come in .

If  you are   a dreamer , a wisher ,a liar, 

A hope -er ,a pray-er , a magic  bean buyer ...

if you're a pretender,come Sit  by my fire ,

for  we have  some flax golden tales  spin. 

Come in!
Come in!

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