Saturday, December 26, 2015



The Author: Shreedhar Lohani Holds degree from universities in Nepal. England and the USA. He has worked as a professor at the Central department of English Tribhuvan University.

Shreedhar Lohani
From the dry, withered palms trees, the wind is realized rising higher and the rain that drops on the seen like devouring monster. The sea has its enormous frothy mouth that can devour all the rain water. The  mountain peak has irregular shape .time ,with its gray thinner flight , attacks  the world .the smell of mildew spreads and covers the house .All around ,in the world ,can be seen and felt turbulence (disturbance ,noise ) and hunger .Yet the earth (Gaia ) tolerates all these pains and sufferings .

Open your arms and embrace me,

And I will embrace you.

Whisper your wisdom in my ears,

And I will teach it to the world.

Show me your secrets, Earth-Mother,

And I will transcribe them for the common-folk.

Nourish me from your woman-breast,

And I will nourish my brothers and sisters.

Intoxicate me with your earthly scent,

And I will serve you;

For you are the life-womb,

The Mother of us all,

And we would perish without you and your love.

Sable Aradia (1993)

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